Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Peer Pressure

Well, I've finally done it. I've gone and started a blog. What was I thinking?! Commitment is not necessarily my forte. But the peer pressure has become unbearable....Either that or I just feel the need to unload my opinions, experiences and struggles like so many others before me. So many of my friends now blog that I was starting to feel left out, so after I purchased my new laptop this weekend, I decided to take another techy plunge. Hopeful neither the people who read this, nor I will rue the day I started this thing.
My pledge to my adoring public :
(all 2 of you)
When you come to read my blog, I will not be negative, but I may not always be upbeat. I may not always agree with you, but I will always respect your opinion. I may not give you all the details, but I won't hide my feelings. I may be sarcastic and smart, but I promise to always be honest.