Tuesday, February 28, 2006

just nothin...

I have nothin to say. Atleast I feel like that lately. The odd thing is, I've been terribly busy, and my mind's going 90 to nothin, but still nothin in particular to write about....
I do have some thoughts and questions for you though....
  • How far is too far to drive to work everyday?
  • Who makes the best digital camera for the best price?
  • I'm thinkin bout gettin a new cell. Any suggestions?
  • Also thinkin bout gettin a new ringtone.... any thoughts?
  • How do you tolerate people you really can't stand?
Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

This is it....

Well, it's here... The day I've been dreading. Today is my 29th birthday. So get the well wishes in while you can. This is my last birthday. Yep, that's right, as of now, I'm eternally 29.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

This is the life....

Right now I'm sitting in 75 degree bliss... That's right people, I'm in beautiful, sunny Arizona. Now before you get too jealous, I'm just here for the weekend. I wish it could be longer, but I've got children in Indy staring acheivement tests in the face, so no time off for me. I just wanted to blog about how gorgeous it is out here right now, which reminds me to get off this computer and go outside!!!!!

By the way, I've noticed several people from indiana and all over the place have been checking out my blog. So, even though I said I would never do this... If you are a regular checker-outer of my ramblings, please leave me a comment and let me know who my audience is. Thanks! Love y'all! I'm off to get some desert sun!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Yeah, I know....

It's been a while..... But you wouldn't believe the past few weeks. Okay, maybe you would, but it was hectic to say the least. So this post may jump around a bit...... you can deal with it!
The craziness began last week. Our school was having homecoming on Saturday. Every year our office manager, Brandi, does all the planning and grunt work including setting up the set, which includes lots of butcher paper, an arch, balloons, fabric, lights, and lots of other decorations. Oh, by the way, did I mention she's 9 months pregnant?! So, about a week beforehand my admin told me there was a good chance Brandi would go into labor by then. And since I'm so artistic, so she says, she wanted me to find out what all was included in the set so I could do it if need be. Well, Be needed. Brandi went into labor tat Wednesday. So, I ended up painting stars on 300+ feet on butcher paper all day Friday until 3am Saturday. Then, I had to go set it all up Saturday afternoon. I did have help, but the majority of the load was placed squarely on my shoulders. By Saturday night I was dragging and really sore! But it turned out beautiful. Brandi was still pregnant then and was able to see her idea come to fruition. She was so appreciative and really happy with how it turned out. Her thanks and approval was all I needed to know that I'd done a good job. Monday my admin took Sheryl, the other teacher who helped me, and me out to lunch and gave us the afternoon off! WOOHOO!
Tuesday brought more stress than I was able to deal with after the weekend. I have a student that leaves the building a few days a week to go to a public school for special needs purposes. Well, she usually gets back by a certain time. So when she was more than 20 minutes later than her "late" time, I got really worried. Sheryl got on the phone trying to track her down. I started pacing and praying. The company that transports her back and forth couldn't tell us where she was! For 1 1/2 hours she was "lost". Finally, after threatening police action, we were told where she was. She was fine. The van she was in had a fender bender infront of the other school. She was sitting there the entire time! Such IDIOTS!!! As soon as I found out where she was, I went and got her myself. Like I said she was fine, but I was frazzled the rest of the day.
That's just 2 examples from the past few weeks. On top of it all, I feel Satan's got me on his radar. I'm being attacked. I just keep telling myself what I heard John Eldridge say once. I don't remember the exact words, but it was something to the tune of "When you are constantly and consistently attacked by Satan, it is because God has incredible plans for you to do his work. The harder you're attacked the greater the plan God has for you." If this is true, and I believe it is, then I consider myself a real threat to Satan. And it just makes it more obvious that God has his hand placed firmly on me.