Saturday, June 24, 2006

Happy Anniversary, Hun

My dearest Kyle,
It doesn't seem like it was five years ago that we were married. I can't tell you how often I think back on that day. It was the happiest day of my life. God was giving me the man of my dreams to be my husband. We were so exhausted and ready to get it over with! You know, a lot of couples, especially the bride, get caught up in the wedding. But we managed to keep our focus on the marriage we were about to embark upon. I remember one of my friends asking me as I was putting on my wedding gown, "Are you nervous?" "Absolutely not!" I said. "I just want to get this over, so I can be married already!" We had a beautiful wedding, but that wasn't the point. We both knew what the point was. God had placed us in each other's lives to be man and wife, to be committed only to each other, to complete each other's needs both emotional and physical in a Christian home with all the love our hearts could give. I thank God that we both knew that.
I want you to know that I have no regrets. Of course there were times that one or both of us should've handled things differently, but we communicated well and always made a point to learn from those mistakes. I'm proud of the strong marriage we shared. I'm thankful that God used us in other couple's lives as an example of what marriage could and should be.
I'm proud of the man you were. I still have a hard time not offering your services when someone is in a bind and needing something fixed. I don't think I ever told you how important that was to me. Just knowing that if something went wrong, you'd figure out a way to fix it or make it better than before gave me so much security. I appreciate how strong you were physically, yet so tender and gentle with me. God gave you a beautiful heart with more than enough love for anyone he placed in your path. I believe that's what I miss most - your heart.
I also want to thank you for being patient with me after Momma died. I know how much you loved her, too. And I know there were several months that I wasn't easy to live with, but you stood by me and sometimes behind me to keep me from collapsing under the load I was carrying. Thank you.
I just want you to know how much I love you, still. And even though you've gone on, no matter what happens in my life, or who God brings into it, there will always be a part of my heart that belongs to you.
Love you, see you soon,

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Just a note from camp Zenith....
Everything here is great. It's crazy hot in Oklahoma, and it's crazy hectic here, too. But everything's going great! I'm enjoying spending time with Niki and Max. Stay tuned, suprises are coming your way soon.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Still alive...

So much to say, so little brain power left to say it with....
Life's been hectic around here. As any teacher knows, there are so many things that go on at the end of the school year. I had all the normal things plus some. I had to attend three graduations and an awards ceremony. Two field trips, cleaning and packing up my classroom, final grades, yada, yada, yada.
The last day of school was special, though. We traditionally have a half day, which consists of chapel and then the presentation of the yearbook dedication. Afterwards we sign yearbooks for a couple of hours and have an ice cream party to finish the year. The yearbook is dedicated to someone, usually a teacher, who has had an impact on the school and the students. It's a grand secret that only a handful of people know. This year it was dedicated to yours truly. I was shocked and flattered to say the least. It's funny to me that I've struggled more this year with my responsibilities and trying to stay motivated and focused, and yet I received this honor. I think what makes it even more special is that it was the decision of the yearbook staff, all students of course. The kids made it special to me.
After they read the dedication to me, I took my seat. My "special student" that has kept me on my toes since he came, was sitting beside me. He looked up to me with his big brown eyes and said with his little accent "Thank you for not giving up on me," and hugged me. As much as I was flattered by the yearbook, that one statement by that one child defines the reason I teach. ( Yes, I cried.)

That same child and his family have been in my prayers over the last week and a half. I don't know how many of you heard about the family here in Indy that was killed. I know it made national headlines because it was such a horrific crime. Seven people including three children were shot and killed in there home during what is being called a robbery attempt. Those three kids were the cousins of my twins. Their mother's sister and her husband, children and grandchildren were the victims of that crime. I have seen my boys since then. Dave and Sheryl, and I watched them during the funeral. They've obviously had severe ups and downs. I'm especially concerned for the one. He has so many emotional problems already, and he's losing weight that he couldn't afford to lose. Please keep the family in your prayers. They've caught the guys who did it, but the court cases are sure to be long and stressful for the family. To top it off, my boys' mother is pregnant. So, I ask that you lift them up in prayer everytime you speak to our God.

I also ask for your prayers. I get on a plane tomorrow, and you know how I feel about that. I'm going off to Denver. I'll spend a few days there, then we'll go to OKC to do camp Zenith. I always look forward to helping Niki out at camp. It's an uplifting, but tiring experience. After camp I'll spend about a week and a half with the Nowell's, if they can tolerate me that long. I'm looking forward to being out in Denver again.

So, until next time......
BTW- The jerk at school did finally apologize.