Monday, January 16, 2006

a week

Well, it's been a week and I said I wouldn't blog about it, but here I am doing that very thing. A week ago today my sweetie would've turned 27. Yeah, like y'all didn't know I robbed the cradle! I didn't want to blog about it because in my new attitude toward blogging, I'm trying to be uplifting, not depressing. Regardless, I kept thinking about writing something. I don't know if it's acknowledgement I'm needing on his behalf or if I'm being led to say it aloud. Last week it was the first day back from break, so I had so much going on that I know God put it out of my mind. That is until I went to bed. Then it started to bother me. Luckily, my superfriend is on speed dial and she was able to comfort me. I don't know what I'd have done for the last year if not for my friends. Funny how God strengthens the relationships you desperately need right before something tragic happens. Anyway, as I went to sleep I sang happy birthday and snuggled with his pillow that still carries a faint scent of his cologne (yes, I make sure it does).
This grief thing is so wierd. One minute I'm thinking of what we'll do when he gets home from work, the next, I realize he's not coming home. Why do I forget? Why do I keep having to remind myself? Why after this amount of time do I still feel the need to talk to him? Call him on the phone? Offer his help to friends in need? Then realize he's not there to help anymore.... Why is my brain still trying to make sense of it all?
Why do I get over the hump and look up to see another mountain?
But God has carried me through everyday, and I know he will continue to place his hand on my back and gently push me as I get back on my feet.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Long time, no blog

Yeah, I know. I've gotten the nasty little e-mails and comments about not blogging enough lately. I do have a good excuse, though.
When I was in Denver over Christmas break, which I do intend to blog about, I didn't have as much access to a computer. Benny and Niki let me use their's anytime I wanted, but I'm spoiled on my high speed and I didn't want to spend all my time out there online. Once I returned, even though I've had plenty to write about, I felt like God was telling me I was spending too much time online. So, I've changed some of my habits, and I'm just not on here as much.
I'm sorry I've let some of you down, but I've needed to prioritize some which means spending more time with Jesus and less with microsoft. Thanks for loving me enough to understand and wanting to hear what I have to say. Be bloggin soon!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year's Greetings

Happy New Year from Colorado!!!
Can't tell you much right now, other than Denver has been beautiful. I'm really enjoying my time with Benny, Niki, Max, Zoe, and Petey. Spending the holidays with people you love like family, okay more than family, is great. I'll update you all as soon as I'm back in Indiana.
Until then, have a blessed new year! Love you all!