Tuesday, April 25, 2006

check her out

One of my co-horts, Steph, has started a new blog. She is an awesome Christian lady with a big playful, childlike personality. I hope you enjoy, and learn from what she has to say.


It's been a rough day. My mind, body and emotions have been exhausted today. I think that's why I chose green for my blog today. It's calming.
I got a couple new students last week. Obviously very late in the year, but I won't go into details about why they came. I will tell you that they are twin boys - identical, but yet so different. One of them has had the misfortune of being labeled by previous schools and teachers as a trouble maker. I don't know what he was like before , but I know he's been through some trauma in the last few months. The thing is, I've only known this child for a week, but I love him. He can be so sweet and funny and smart, but turn into an angry hateful child in a matter of minutes. I reached my point of exasperation with him today, and we had to discipline him. That hurt my heart. I think I've shed as many tears over it as he has. I can't tell you all that happened, but I will ask you to pray for me as I deal with this troubled child. My goal tomorrow is to not have to discipline him, but anticipate the rough spots and love him through them. I hope God gives me the strength to be what this little boy needs during these next 5 weeks.

Monday, April 10, 2006


So, let's not state the obvious. I know it's been a month. You ever feel like you're chasing your own tail? Welcome to my world. This has been the BUSIEST vacation ever. I need a spring break to get over my spring break. I helped family move and went camping. Sounds easy enough, wrong. I won't get into details, but my body is exhausted, and this weeks gonna be busy, too.
So, if you've not heard from me, I'm still alive. Have patience with me. I'm old and tired.